Systemic Side Effects of Atropine Eye Drops


As there are systemic side effects of atropine eye drops, they could be contraindicated in young patients with some conditions, syndromes, and medications. Atropine, known to eye care professionals for its mydriatic and cycloplegic effects and efficacy to slow the progression of myopia, is also a systemic medication used in cardiovascular management.1最初来自Belladonna,2它是一种抗血清胰酸钠(或毒蕈碱拮抗剂),这意味着它抑制后凸症(神经末梢)肌肉蛋白受体。当系统性上使用时,这会影响副交感神经系统,并增加心脏输出 - 增加心率和传导。1它主要用于治疗患有Bradycardia的人3(当你的心率太慢时),但由于它影响了副交感神经系统,有时它用于减少管道的患者的唾液。1


阿托品的眼部副作用是众所周知的。在近视对照研究中,有些人报告了100%的患者1%的阿托品经验噬菌体,5which reduces to 22% at 0.5% and 7% at 0.25%.6Despite the mydriatic side effects which could increase intraocular pressure, there have been no reports of atropine inducing ocular hypertension in children.7较低浓度似乎具有较少的副作用,并且具有正确的景观管理,如光肤色和双焦或渐进式眼镜镜片,研究报告称大多数患者可以在利用时发现更强的浓度。8


如果Atropine通过锥形管道,并且通过鼻粘膜吸收,它具有潜力导致系统性副作用。这些可包括口腔和眼睛干燥,8谵妄或烦躁不安,4,8心动过速8(rapid and weak pulse) and flushed skin and face.8,9.

A suggested mnemonic for remembering the systemic activity and side effects of atropine is “hot as a hare, red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter.”8更重要的系统性阿托品中毒病例会导致嗜睡,中枢神经抑郁,循环塌陷,呼吸衰竭和死亡。8Whilst atropine-related deaths are rare, due to the high metabolic excretion rate, a dose of as little 10mg can be fatal: or the oral ingestion of 20 drops of a 1% atropine solution.8A case of this occurring in America8强调,同时e的安全性ye drop is good, medication should be stored safely, properly and far out of the reach of children.

在考虑阿托品作为眼药水的全身毒性作用,通过眼睛中毒可能是不可能的。0.1%的阿托啉溶液含有0.5mg,每下含量为0.5mg,并且达到来自儿童的眼药水的潜在致命剂量20滴将需要通过结膜同时吸收,这在眼睛没有对眼睛有限的能力而不是解剖学或生理学上的可能性持有滴眼量。10阿托品也很快代谢,在2-5小时之间 - 很可能通过眼镜制剂实现全身毒性将是困难的。10There have been reported fatalities, though, following the use of ocular topical 1% atropine in small children with the congenital cardiac condition Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) and other cardiac co-morbidities.8


对阿托品下降的过敏反应不能仅是眼性而是外观,并且随着阿托嘌呤浓度的增加而发生更多的频率。11症状可能包括盖子水肿,瘙痒和maratosis(睫毛的损失)。11Any of these symptoms should lead to ceasing of atropine and appropriate management of the allergy.


So who is not suitable for atropine use? Firstly, many clinical manuals and suggest that atropine drops should be avoided in patients with down syndrome, due to concerns regarding excessive mydriatic and cycloplegic effects and potential system toxicity.10,12However other studies refute this, suggesting that reduced accommodative ability is part of the clinical syndrome,8and concerns are unfounded.8,10,13

大多数报告的阿托品的全身并发症来自患有预先存在的心脏病的儿童,如先天性风疹综合征和发育延误。8,14IF您的患者具有先天性综合征或心脏病,应在局部阿托品处方方面进行谨慎行事。谨慎,也应在患者中进行哮喘史或作为阿托品的全身给药的其他肺病会导致肺中粘液增稠并在气道中干燥。2Also exercise caution当患者服用可能具有抗磷酸或抗血清胰蛋白酶的其他药物为了避免增加副作用 - 这包括一些用于治疗抑郁症和一些抗组胺药的药物15但这绝不是一个详尽的清单。与患者的医疗团队的沟通和共同管理是讨论风险/福利的必要条件 - 严格的指导和密切监督风险类别的患者是必须的。14


降低潜在副作用的一种方法是通过将滴剂滴住降低通过尖端的阿托嘌呤的风险,最终的全身吸收。确保干净的双手,瓶顶不会触及眼睛。指导父母缩回孩子的下盖,并将下降放在孩子抬头时形成的“小袋”。一滴一滴并指示患者立即闭上眼睛。轻轻地放置手指,但牢牢地放在封闭眼睛的鼻角并保持大约两分钟。通过做这种技术或非常相似DOT technique (Don't Open Eyes), systemic absorption is reduced.15

If your childhood myopic patient does not have any of the potential contraindications listed above, the use of low dose atropine should be safe for the majority.8,9,14,16As with all medications, careful monitoring of the patient for tolerance, compliance and side effects and ongoing follow up is a must.


Cassandra Haines.BIO image 2019_white background


Cassandra a clinical optometrist, researcher and writer with a background in policy and advocacy from Adelaide, Australia. She has a keen interest in children's vision and myopia control.



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